
BREAKING: Division I School Bans Fans From Upcoming Tournament Due To Coronavirus Concerns

As if Caleb & Rone weren't already having a hard enough time storming the courts, they might not even be able to get in the buildings for upcoming games - and perhaps neither will anyone else besides coaches, players & refs.

DeVry University released an official statement this afternoon banning fans from attending their upcoming NCAA Division I basketball tournament due to coronavirus being in the area, per school officials. They have determined “that it is prudent to hold this tournament without spectators.”

People were saying, "Kate that's not true, you're an idiot," and "Kate, you're just doing this for clicks and it's not even that funny. It's hacky." So being the big J journalist I am I called President & CEO of DeVry, James Bartholomew and he noted the following,

"I don't quite understand what you're asking me here or how you got this number but there will be no tournament for us at all. No sports at all here."

Unbelievable... Not allowing fans is one thing but cancelling the whole thing? Congrats to me on even more breaking news.. "No sports at all here"? Sounds like they are putting ALL sports on hold at the University until further notice. Scary stuff, and rumor has it the #14 seed, ITT Tech, will be following suit. 

Back at DeVry I know it has to be a huge disappointment for season ticket holders and especially for the students there, so I'm relieved to see they're still able to laugh & smile. That's the spirit we'll need to get through this thing. 

As for the basketball players themselves, hoping alumni like the 2016 Championship team can reach out with some words of consolation. 
