
Harry Styles Went On Stern And Told A Story About How He Refused To Unlock His Phone Despite Being Robbed At Knife Point

Source - Harry Styles did not have a problem handing over cash or his phone but he just could not bring himself to type in his passcode and give his robbers access to all his personal info.

The "Adore You" singer appeared on "The Howard Stern Show" on SiriusXM on Monday where he detailed his Valentine's day robbery in London. Styles described a scary scene where he was surrounded by a group of robbers during his shakedown and explained that he would not give them full access to his phone.

Harry told Stern that when the news of his February 14th robbery broke, the police report stated that he was robbed by one person but he wanted to clarify that it was multiple men that circled him during the tense situation.

"This is something I'm a little bit pissed about, cause I filed a police report and then obviously, it goes in the press and everything... and they wrote there was only one guy so I would like to clarify there was more than one guy," Styles said to save some of his machismo.

"I pull out some cash and he takes it from me and I had my headphone jack just sticking into my pocket and he's like, 'What's that plugged into?'" Harry said and the situation escalated.

"I'm thinking, 'Okay this is really annoying but you know, I'll wipe it and get a new phone and kind of whatever,'" the musician told Howard. "And then the guy's like, 'unlock your phone.'" Meanwhile, a different robber pulled up his shirt to expose a knife in his waistband. "I just said like, 'I can't. Sorry.' I was like, 'Mate, I can't unlock my phone.'"


^^THAT is how this situation could've ended. Lucky for Harry, it ended with an interview on Stern. Here's the audio from CITO: 

Pretty wild story. Did it happen the way he says it did? Did he wait for a red light then sprint down the middle of the street to safety? Who knows. I'm not one to victim shame, but I will say that Harry refusing to unlock his phone is by far the most relatable start of his story. You'd have to pry mine from my cold dead hands before I gave it up let alone unlock it. I don't even have anything bad. It's just that my entire life is on there. Once it's open you become me. Bank info, texts, locations, emails, pictures, everything is on my phone. Which should be deterrent enough for a would-be robber, but still. It's a losing proposition for everyone involved. Thank god Sir Harry is okay.

Don't know if Harry is a Sir but it felt right.