
The Reaction To This NSFW Video Is NSFL From Frankie Borrelli...

Hyperbole gets used a lot here at HQ3, maybe TOO much, but believe me when I say I have NEVER seen a video ellicit reactions like this from the office. Especially considering we've all lived and worked on the internet for the majority of our adult lives. We have seen some SHIT folks. 

And although Feits is known for having a quick gag reflex, at Hurricane O'Reilly's it's been a few years since we got full on puke from him. But that's the power this mystery video holds. It makes "1 Guy, 1 Jar" look like a Disney movie. It's the kind of magic that just turned Frankie's face into this...

And this...

And this...

No puke like Feits but BOY was he close... Hey that's Luggage Guy Trent from the Bachelor!

Now compare that to the calm & casual reaction from Big Cat, a man who's lived 500 lifetimes in internet years. Barely phased like a true pro

Now are you a fellow sick fuck/internet mud veteran? You think you can handle watching this like Big Cat? ARE YOU SURE? Then search out that sick fuck Josh Wolf to ask him for it, if you really want to put your brain in the blender. This blog is already too big of a bread crumb tracking me to it. 

So looks like it's finally time to fulfill my destiny and legally change my name to Delvin, gather up my Ball Don't Lie bindle, and move to Montana ASAP. But most importantly PRAY for the future psyche of Frankie Borrelli. Our sweet innocent pizza boy may never be the same again...


PS: Honestly not sure how to find the video, keywords that may work are "2 Guys, 1 Prolapse Massage" Gooooood luck!