
Weymouth Town Council Debating New Law That Would Force Scumbag Cat Owners To Leash Their Cats




WEYMOUTH, Mass.Herding cats may be the epitome of futility, but the town council is weighing a proposal that would try to at least stop them from roaming free. Commercial Street resident Lorraine Nicotera proposed the revision to the town ordinance covering cats and dogs that would require cat owners to keep their pets leashed or otherwise under their control if they go off their property and to clean up after their cats outdoors, the Patriot Ledger reported. Owners violating the proposed rules could be fined and cats causing a nuisance on someone else’s property could be impounded by police or the animal control officer. Nicotera, a registered wildlife rehabilitator who cares for injured rabbits, said cats allowed outside on their own frequently kill wildlife and have created a nuisance by using neighbors’ yards as a litter box. “Cats are toxic to wildlife. … It’s a cancer in our state,” she said. “I open my window and I get the lovely smell of cat (urine), and I’m tired of it.” Nicotera said her proposal would bring cats under the same rules that have been in place for dogs for decades and would eventually cut down on the feral cat population. But Mike Parker, the town’s animal control officer, said the proposed ordinance change could be difficult to enforce. “In reality, I just don’t think it would really do anything,” Parker said. “I’ve never had an issue of a cat that we know has a known owner that’s really causing a nuisance. How much of a nuisance can a cat cause on your property?”

Forget about Roe vs. Wade. Forget about the Health Care issue. Forget about immigration. The most important legal battle in the history of the United States is taking place in good old Weymouth. A classic good vs. evil confrontation for the ages. The future of cat leash laws and hence the future of America on the line. The stakes couldn’t be higher. I just can’t believe it took this long for somebody to finally speak out against cats. And it’s not like she’s some crazy animal hater either. Oh no. Quite the opposite. She loves animals. That’s her livelihood. She just despises cats. She sees them for what they are. Scumbag two timing assholes. Like she said “they are toxic to wildlife. A cancer in our state”. Her words not mine. Lorraine Nicotera is nothing short of a Patriot in my mind.

Seriously how have cats managed to roam free while dogs have to be on leashes? It makes no sense. Then you read quotes from the Weymouth town animal control officer basically saying a cat leash law wouldn’t solve anything and cats don’t bother anybody and suddenly it all makes sense. This runs deeper than we ever could have imagined. Cats have bribed, stolen, and murdered their way to positions of power. The Weymouth Animal Control officer is clearly just a puppet for the cat regime. But Lorraine Nicotera is onto you and so am I. Hey cats the time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end. Leash these cunts up!