
Does This Look Like The Face Of A Chick With A Vibrator Stuck In Her Urethra?

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(Source)Emergency room physician often see patients who have stuck unusual things in unusual places, but Dr. Roger Goldenberg and his wife, Nurse Wendy Goldenberg, are still buzzing about one woman who got a vibrator stuck in the most bizarre place imaginable. The woman came into the Kansas hosptial where they work complaining about the pain in her nether regions caused by the vibrator. Wendy Goldenberg assumed the vibrator could only be stuck in the vagina or the anus. She was wrong. “When [the patient] said, ‘Neither one,’ I knew there was something out of the ordinary,” Wendy said on an episode of “Sex Sent Me To The E.R.” “She said, ‘It’s where I urinate.'” This didn’t make sense to Wendy. “There is a little hole that’s your urethra, and your urine comes out of it,” she said. “I said ‘That’s really impossible.'” The woman’s boyfriend insisted that his girlfriend was telling the truth. Somehow during sex, a pinky-sized vibrator slipped out of his finger and went up the urethra.




I was gonna make fun of this chick and say she needs a man in her life if she can’t even fuck herself without getting a vibrator lodged in her rib cage. But then I saw that the boyfriend stuck it in there? Hey, can’t blame the guy. It’s a fucking labyrinth down there. Sex is basically a leaky ship, you’re just looking for a hole to plug. Like when you’re doggy and looking at butt hole? It’s like a dog staring at a piece of cake up on the table. Every instinct you have says to go for it, but your mind is like “Dude you’ll be in SO much trouble!” Plus when did the average guy learn that the pee hole and the sex hole were different things? Yesterday? Probably just thought that was the g-spot and wanted to make her squirt. Can’t get mad at a guy for the extra effort.