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The Dark Knight Rises...Happy Harvey Day

Screen Shot 2015-03-06 at 10.24.18 AM


I’ve been waiting over 18 months to say this, but the day has finally come….Happy Harvey Day. It may only be Spring Training but Matt Harvey is back on the mound facing live batters. He’s gonna throw in a lip, stomp up to that mound, and consume batters with lightning bolts from his arse. He’s stronger than ever, mixed in a curveball into his repertoire, and most importantly hes got a chip on his shoulder. Hes out to prove all the naysayers wrong. All the critics of his lifestyle, all the people who call him arrogant, all the people that say he hasnt accomplished anything are about to get face fucked by Matthew Harvey. The long road back finally comes to an end, and the Dark Knight rises once again.