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Butthole-Eyed Pete Davidson Opens Up About Being Called Butthole Eyes In His New Netflix Special

Look, I know that a lot of people think that I take pleasure in the fact that I coined one of the greatest insults/descriptions of all time, but that could not be further from the truth. I used 'further' there because the truth is not an actual location. If it was from the Truth, like truth was a city, I would put farther from the truth. That's the difference. Further and farther. Actual location/supposed location. 

Anyway, this blog isn't about grammar. If you missed it, let's catch up. Over a year ago, I was seeing tons of pictures of my now friend Pete Davidson and his longtime girlfriend and fiance Ariana Grande, whom we noted should actually be Ariana Pequeña because she's tiny and not Grande. While I was sitting on my bed, I thought, "Damn. Pete Davidson has butthole eyes." So I wrote the blog. Simple as that. I wrote it and didnt think twice about it. 


Ariana was not happy. 

That's when I started to feel bad. I didn't know that he had a disease! But, to my delight, the medical community and my boss stuck by my side like a thorn in our Lord's. 

Anyway, that's enough catching up with the story. Pete and I have both moved on from this ugly time in our relationship's past. I haven't and will never call him that again because sometimes insults stick just ask Weird Haircut Seth. 

To Pete's credit though, he's open about his experience with butthole eyes. He even mentions it in his Netflix special that just came out. I haven't watched it and won't because it's uncomfortable for me to watch my close friends perform. That's why I never went to West Point to watch Connor lead the Black Knights. It's too personal for me to be entertained. It's too personally stressful. 


But, an internet friend shared a clip so I can, fortunately, share that with you today. Here it is. 

He's so talented! Man, I wish I could watch the whole thing. I bet it's great. But, alas, I cant. 

Anyways, here's Wonderwall.