
Robin Thicke's Wife Is Divorcing Him Because She Caught Him Having Sex With A Woman They Were Having Threesomes With For 2 Years Without Her



DM – Paula Patton split with husband Robin Thicke because he was allegedly continuing an affair with a woman they were having a three-way relationship. According to Star magazine, Paula and Robin had been carrying on a consensual ménage-a-trois with a massage therapist for two years. But when Patton, 38, allegedly found out the other woman – who is being called Jasmine – and her husband were having a two-person affair, she called time on her marriage. ‘Paula felt betrayed and humiliated by both Robin and Jasmine,’ said the insider who Star claim took a polygraph test. ‘These were two people she thought she could trust the most, but in the end everything backfired on her.’

Well my life sucks.  Just so fucking boring. I mean I’m just sitting here writing blogs like a fool being all married and shit. Meanwhile Robin Thicke is getting divorced because he cheated on his wife with his massage therapist who he and his wife had been having threesomes with for 2 years, but his wife got mad when she got left out. Fucking awesome.

PS – How greedy is Robin Thicke? Bro just stick with the threesomes you dummy. I know rationally speaking it seems like you should be able to fuck her 1 on 1 if your wife allows the menage, but that’s not how it works.  Chicks brains don’t make sense. Your wife can’t think you have secrets with the massage therapist and are talking about her behind her back. Rule 1 of the married threesome game. Make sure the wife knows she’s still the top bitch. Day 1 stuff really.

Double PS – Everytime I talk about Robin Thicke I have to remind myself that Alan Thicke/Mr. Seaver is his dad.  Just adds a whole new element.
