
Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher

Charged: Stephanie Seabury, 22, an English teacher at Fifer Middle School in Camden, turned herself in to police on Monday following allegations she had sex with a 13-year-old male student

Stephanie Seabury was charged with one count of sexual abuse of a child by a person in a position of trust or authority and was held on a $40,000 bond

DelawareA Caesar Rodney middle school teacher surrendered Monday to face charges of sexually abusing a 13-year-old student, Dover police said. Stephanie L. Seabury, 22, of the Woodmill Apartments… District officials say Seabury has been suspended with pay in March. According to court records, the 13-year-old boy told authorities March 12 that he had had a sexual relationship with the teacher with “several planned meetings” at her home. During one such encounter on Feb. 26, the boy said he engaged in intercourse with the teacher, who had driven him from school to her apartment… Staff also found surveillance footage for investigators showing the two leaving the school together at 3:48 p.m. Feb. 26 and walking toward Seabury’s car from the school’s main entrance, police said. The two also had exchanged numerous explicit phone messages and photographs, police said, which had been viewed by “several cooperating witnesses.” According to the school district’s website, Seabury was hired by the district in August.

You know, it’s rare that someone comes along land just hits the ground running so early in their career the way Stephanie did.  Few of your highly touted phenoms ever come as advertised.  They either have a long learning curve like, say, Peyton Manning.  Or injuries derail them for a while, like Stephen Strasburg for example.  Or oftentimes they burn bright for a while but don’t have the temperament to sustain it, like a Yasiel Puig.  But Stephanie Seabury just came right out of the gate in her Sex Scandal Teacher career like she’d been doing this for years.  Hired in August, banging a 13 year old by February, suspended in March, arrested and charged in April of her rookie season.  She’s the Tiger Woods of SSTs.  Just dominating the veterans before she even made it to the end of her first year on tour.  It’s early yet, but I think she’s got our ROTY award all locked up.

The Grades:
Obviously she looks ten times better in that grainy, pixelated, zoomed-in-and-cropped photo on the bottom, that was obviously taken from a distance.  Which tells me she’s one of those SSTs who’s beautiful from afar and far from beautiful.  And there’s no hiding that she’s a few dress sizes away from being one of the elites.  Also, there’s no putting a positive spin on that mugshot, so she’s getting a Grade: C-
Moral Compass/Bad Judgment:
She worked hard for this grade.  The kid is 13, so that would make him like a 7th grader.  (How she got him to walk away from playing Minecraft long enough to have sex with her is a mystery we may never resolve.)  We’ve got the CCTV tape of her loading the kid into her car (no doubt into the child safety seat in the back), so there’s our solid evidence.  Plus the lewd texts and naked pics.  She deserves nothing less than a solid Grade: A
Woodmill.  Grade: A
  B-.  Great effort but looks still count.
Have information about a hot female teacher having sex with her students? Preferably with pictures? Help make the world safe for Teacher Sex Scandals by Tweeting me @jerrythornton1.