
Roy Helu Given A Year's Worth of Suave Shampoo


Bog – Last week, Dan wrote about Roy Helu’s desire for a Suave endorsement. “That’s not the purpose of growing my hair out,” the Redskins running back said, of getting some free product. “I want to make sure that I say that. But, you know, if something comes along? Suave? I’m not a Suave user, but I know that they’re pretty affordable, and I want to be marketed to the blue-collar people who can’t afford Head & Shoulders. Suave’s No. 1, you know?” Well, the folks at Suave were paying attention and are happy to oblige.


Pro athletes in DC have it so good. Sure, Suave isn’t exactly killing it in the shampoo power rankings, but I’d kill to not have to buy shampoo or any sort of bathroom item for a year. Unlike Helu, I splurge for the Head and Shoulders. Not a big deal, but I treat myself right. But when I’m down to the bottom of the bottle, that sumbitch gets filled up with water and shaken until it’s a new bottle of shampoo. If you don’t do that, you’re simply not economical.

Still doesn’t beat Bryce Harper, who has the holy grail of all holy grails.


There aren’t many things in life I wouldn’t trade for that card. Knife to my pinky, I let them chop it. Free Chipotle, bitches!