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Kevin. Patrick. Hayes. That's The Blog.

This team, man. This goddamn team. What a bunch of grinders. What a bunch of beauties. What a bunch of absolute legends. It looked like it was going to be an ugly night when the Blue Jackets got 2 quick ones in the 1st period. It looked like the wheels might have fallen off when Columbus scored again to make it 3-1 in the 2nd. But this team is different than any Flyers team we've seen in the past decade. This team doesn't quit. This team has balls, they have heart, they have jam, and they also have The Best One. 


Now the Hayes championship belt celly is obviously legendary and it'll be an iconic moment in Kevin Hayes' career as a Philadelphia Flyer. But there's nothing better than TK immediately coming in and getting one last chirp off before sending those nerd ass Blue Jackets to the locker room with their 4th loss against the Flyers this year. 

Fuck you, Savard!!!

What a team. What a win. We'll have more tomorrow but my god does it feel great to stuff that organization in the locker this year. Sweep city, bitch. 

P.S. - Appreciate it, Kevin. #JordieOvertimeChallenge
