
Reader Email – Do I Need To Postpone Popping The Question Because My Chick Is Having Her Period And I Don't Want To Ruin Engagement Sex?



Reader Email

Good Evening – Im about to pop the big stupid question and need some advice. This is the weekend I’ve planned for a while and my bitch be bleeding. She’s having her period. Im 37 and don’t need to be talking like that. Anyhow, I heard engagement sex is the best. Should I hold off? She’s got a kid who’d out of town this weekend only so I’m kind of stuck..I could clown face it for one night I guess…

Please advise



Is it rude to say this guy’s life depresses me? I mean 37 years old. Just old as shit.  About to pop the question to a chick who has a kid who is old enough to be out of town and she’s on her period to boot. Sounds like a blast. Anyway yeah you got to postpone it. Engagement sex is the last good sex you have before your wedding night sex which will be the last good sex you have for the rest of your life unless you cheat.  You can’t have her period blood just leaking all over the place being a total buzzkill and ruining the vibe.  You got to wait. Just give her kid 20 bucks next weekend and send him to the store to buy candy or some shit and do it then.  Thank me later.


PS – This guys sentence right here…

“This is the weekend I’ve planned for a while and my bitch be bleeding. She’s having her period. Im 37 and don’t need to be talking like that. “

Well that’s pretty much how I feel 99% of the time with my life.  Like grow the fuck up Dave.