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Coach Cal Cares Too Damn Much About Beating Ole Miss To Know Today Is Valentine's Day

I hate when people use the term #RelationshipGoals or shit like that, but Coach Cal and Ellen aka the Princess aka Mrs. Coach Cal are exactly that. They are perfect. They dominate holidays with their posts and interviews like John Calipari dominates your team. This year is no different. 

You think he's worried about Valentine's Day. He's out here thinking it's November still. He's too worried about figuring out how to slow down Breein Tyree tomorrow to be worried about some silly holiday. Even Ellen calls him out for it. 

She knows he's not calling in that, even though it's an A+ card. She calls him the Roommate, little inside Kentucky humor, no big deal. But you know what? This is why they are the elite couple in Kentucky. They know it's basketball season. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day? They are just days for Coach Cal right now. He's got an SEC title to go win this season. He's working on title number 9. 

That said, I will gladly open up my guest room to Coach Cal when this quote 100% lands him in the doghouse. I'm sure his house has multiple beds and couches that are comfortable, but just wanted to toss that out there. Now go slow down Breein Tyree please and beat Ole Miss.