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I Am Still Upset That The Blackhawks Wore Sedin Twin Decals On Their Helmets Last Night

It has taken me a while to write this blog. I wasn't going to because it's a helmet sticker. I was asking myself who really cares about this and then I paused and realized...I FUCKING CARE. Congrats to the Sedins on a great career. I am sure they're good guys. They definitely deserve their numbers retired, go into the Hall of Fame, and they'll go down as some of the best players in the 2000s. Having said that, all I could think about last night while watching Kevin Bieksa give a pregame speech at the ceremony, and everytime the camera panned to Luongo or the Sedins was "man FUCK these guys". The Canucks-Blackhawks was the best rivalry in recent times. They fucking HATED each other. Every game felt like a powder keg. Three straight wars in the playoffs. When they came up on the schedule you didn't even think about work the next day after staying up until 1am to watch the game. It was the opposite. You couldn't think about work during the day because you were too amped for the game at night. The Canucks, even though they never won, were a worthy adversary for the Hawks in the beginning of the Dynasty. And it is okay to say that while also saying, and continuing to say FUCK that team. Give them a little stick tap. Shake their hand. Whatever. You do NOT need their logo/number/decal thing on your helmet. That is bullshit. Hating your opponent is good. In hockey, it's great. It makes the league go. The Canucks could've had Sedin night at any point during the regular season. They chose to do it against the Hawks for a reason. Maybe to rub the Hawks nose in shit a little bit. I don't know. It was fitting, but the Hawks didn't need to participate and wish them well as if everything was all hunky-dory against them. As if Bolland didn't get under their skin. As if Keith didn't try to decapitate one of them. As if Burrows didn't pull Keith's hair. As if Luongo didn't cry. As if Ladd didn't cut Kesler. That rivalry had everything and the Hawks wearing that decal and then getting shut out rubbed me the wrong way. I'd rather them get the decals and throw it in the trash on camera. Reignite it. Make it matter again. Put on a show like these teams used to. 
