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Police Are Looking For This Guy Who Tried To Take A Selfie During The Running Of The Bulls

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The Guardian- Police in Pamplona are searching for a bull runner who they believe snapped a selfie as he ran just inches ahead of several charging bulls weighing more than a half a tonne each. As the young man slowed to take a photo in one of the final stretches of the fifth bull run of the San Fermín festival on Friday, he was captured on camera by several Spanish media. He now faces a fine of up to €3,000 under regulations passed this year by the city of Pamplona. The regulations, designed to crack down on dangerous behaviour during the festival, prohibit the unauthorised use of any kind of recording device during the bull runs. The festival, which traces its roots back to the 13th century, has come under pressure in recent years to fight back against daredevils as its global profile increases. Images of the thousands of runners dressed in red and white as they tear through the narrow streets of Pamplona pursued by stampeding bulls have now become commonplace in foreign media, and tens of thousands of Spanish and foreign tourists descend on the city to take part in the festival’s nine days of alcohol-fuelled partying and bull runs.

My only reaction to this story is, why?  Not why was the guy trying to take a selfie during the running of the bulls, but why are the police after him?  I guess the article says regulations were passed to prohibit people from using recording devices as they ran but I say let them go ahead and use them.  It’s their problem.  They’re the ones who are going to get horrifically butt raped by the horn of a giant bull while they try to get the perfect SnapChat to send to their buddies back home.  That’s just Darwinism.  Survival of the fittest.  If you’re stupid enough to try and take a picture of yourself while death is breathing down your neck then maybe we’d all be better off if you got bucked off this planet.  Your brain clearly isn’t as developed as the rest of us otherwise you wouldn’t be doing it.  And the reason my first reaction to this story wasn’t “Why in the hell is this guy taking a selfie?  That’s super fucking dangerous.” is because we’ve reached the point in society where that question is no longer valid.  People take selfie to take selfies.  It’s simply a part of our culture now.  I realized that after seeing the picture of the guy with the oxygen mask on while his plane made an emergency landing.  Selfies just are.

This part of the article

Images of the thousands of runners dressed in red and white as they tear through the narrow streets of Pamplona pursued by stampeding bulls have now become commonplace in foreign media, and tens of thousands of Spanish and foreign tourists descend on the city to take part in the festival’s nine days of alcohol-fuelled partying and bull runs.

Makes the running of the bulls sound awesome.  I would 100% do it.  Get me drunk enough and I’ll have no problem hopping into the street while a wave of angry bulls cascades upon me.  It’s probably the rush of a lifetime.  I’ve fallen down drunk multiple times before, doesn’t hurt that bad (at the time).  Let’s do this.