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Jay Bouwmeester Had To Be "Revived" By Medical Staff After Cardiac Incident Last Night - Doug Armstrong Gives Positive Update Overall

Here are some highlights of what was said:

The thing that is so terrifying to me is how absurdly random it all is. Given the information available, it seems like a completely random cardiac event that we couldn't have been able to see coming. This is someone who is in the most unbelievable shape you can be in as a human being. This is ALSO someone who has spent the last couple decades playing hockey at the highest level imaginable, making the event even more unpredictable due to the fact that if he had been predisposed to something like this from the outset, it would have already happened during the 1,240 NHL games he has played.

In any dealings I had with the team during the Blues playoff run or parade, Bouwmeester was always unbelievably nice and quiet, just there to be a good guy and be with the boys and win hockey games. I can't stress enough how lucky everyone involved is that Bouwmeester is alive and that we have a second chance in this situation and that it wasn't suddenly over last night. You have to feel for his family and hope that whatever shock and extreme worrying that occurred last night is outweighed by the fact that their Dad or Husband is thankfully alright.


HUGE shoutout to the Medical Staff at Honda Center last night and the NHL medical staff across the league. An event like last night is unbelievably random and sudden, and to be able to handle it out of nowhere and save a life is heroic.
