And the Pussification of American Continues: Women Want To Ban The Word Bossy Because It Discourages Chicks From Being Successfull Or Some Shit?



ABC – Can banning one school-yard word really change the world? Sheryl Sandberg says yes. Sandberg — the chief operating officer of Facebook and author of the best-selling book “Lean In” — is spearheading the launch of a campaign today to ban the word “bossy,” arguing the negative put-down stops girls from pursuing leadership roles. “We know that by middle school, more boys than girls want to lead,” Sandberg said, “and if you ask girls why they don’t want to lead, whether it’s the school project all the way on to running for office, they don’t want to be called bossy, and they don’t want to be disliked.” Sandberg said these attitudes begin early and continue into adulthood.”We call girls bossy on the playground,” Sandberg said. “We call them too aggressive or other B-words in the workplace. They’re bossy as little girls, and then they’re aggressive, political, shrill, too ambitious as women.”  Sandberg’s organization Lean In is joining forces with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Girl Scouts USA CEO Anna Maria Chávez to launch a public service campaign called “Ban Bossy.” The website gives tips for parents, kids, teachers and others about how to encourage young female leaders. “I was called bossy when I was in ninth grade,” Sandberg recalled. “My teacher took my best friend Mindy aside and she said, ‘You shouldn’t be friends with Sheryl. She’s bossy.’ And that hurt.”


I actually heard about this a couple days but thought it was an SNL skit.  I guess though it’s real?  Umm what in the fuck are we even talking about here? Banning the word Bossy? Huh? Where am I? What planet am I on? Is this Candid Camera? Is Ashton Kutcher going to sprint out of my closet? Seriously the chick spearheading this movement is the COO of Facebook? She got called Bossy in 9th grade and it hurt? What? Condoleezza Rice is part of this madness? Beyonce too?  HOLY SHIT. We got Putin ragdolling the Ukraine right now and we’re worried about banning the word bossy? Fuck me.

PS – You know what the fastest way to get me not to take women seriously?  Starting a national campaign to ban the word Bossy.  What’s next?  Ban the word “the”?