
Introducing the 2014 All Minnesota State Tournament All Hockey Hair Team


It’s not officially March until the Minnesota State Hockey Tournament All Hair team is announced. In my humble opinion these videos are still some of the most finely produced youtubes in the history of the internet. This is the 4th year we’ve featured it on the Stool.    When we started covering it we were the only blog that knew about it   Once we introduced it to the world though these videos became an  internet sensation.   He’s come a long way and I’d like to think we played our small part in making the Minnesota All Hockey Hair Team one of the most prestigious honors of the year.   And to his credit he hasn’t let stardom get to his head.  This video is just as strong if not stronger than the previous four. Tons of laugh out loud funny lines.   I see you Harry Stiles….


PS – Do you think if I threw on a pair of skates and pretended I was getting announced and then sent this guy the youtube he’d commentate on my salad? I think I got to give it a shot right?