
Marilyn Monroe Threesome Sex Tape With JFK and RFK To Be Auctioned Off On Tuesday?



Radar Online - A long-buried sex tape of Marilyn Monroe supposedly engaging in intercourse with ex-President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy could soon be released, a former Hollywood bodyguard has sensationally claimed. The steamy, never-before-seen reel — said to have been shot on 8 mm film — will be auctioned by the Tulare County Sheriff in California which has seized the property as part of a lawsuit involving the man, William Castleberry. Castleberry exclusively told “It’s real. I had it for years and I never released it out of respect for Joe DiMaggio… I’m just sick about it and I’m desperately trying to raise money to get it back.” Castleberry, a 56-year-old memorabilia collector, would not detail how he obtained the alleged recording or what it depicts. He was slapped with a judgment of $200,000 after he allegedly sold a fake statue to several people in Visalia, Calif. He had been making payments to satisfy the debt, but according to Castleberry, lawyers demanded a balloon payment that he simply couldn’t afford to pay. “They demanded a $90,000 payment I couldn’t afford and that is when the sheriff came in and seized the sex tape and all of my other memorabilia I have been collecting my entire life,” he said.

A lawyer involved in the case confirmed he’d heard that the seized lot apparently contained the sex tape of the Gentlemen Prefer Blondes actress. “I was told several years ago that Mr. Castleberry had a sex tape of Marilyn Monroe, JFK & RFK,” said attorney Ryan Sullivan, who is representing the plaintiffs in the case against Castleberry. “I was at the house when the sheriff was seizing the property. I’m simply trying to recover the money for my clients… I was able to locate a 8 mm film in a canister at the house, which was turned over to the Visalia Sheriff’s Department.”

But, cautioned the lawyer: “I have no idea what is on the tape, it could be what Mr. Castleberry says, or it could be a Disney cartoon. The only way anyone will ever know is if they buy it and view it. The entire lot will go up for auction on Tuesday and the minimum bid will be $200,000.”


So let me get this straight. A memorabilia collector who owes 200K for fraud is selling a sex tape of JFK and RFK double teaming Maryiln Monroe to pay his debt. The only catch is that nobody has ever seen the tape except the guy selling it and nobody will guarantee what is on the tape. The only way to verify it is to buy it for a minimum of 200K. And the only reason this guy never sold it before (even though he had no problem selling fake statues) was out of respect for Joe DiMaggio. Hmm something smells fishy here. Not to mention the fact I don’t care if you’re the President or not I feel like shooting a sex tape with 8mm film in the 60’s couldn’t have been the easiest thing of all time. They would have needed like a crew right? It’s not like just turning on your iphone.

Now having said all that I’m going to play along and pretend this thing exists. This would be the sex tape to end all sex tapes. Because I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Marilyn Monroe is like the hottest bitch that ever lived. Drips sex out of every pore of her body. I’d kill to watch her get fucked. The only thing I’d maybe want to do more than fuck Marilyn Monroe is be a Kennedy for a week. These bros don’t quit. Sure I think double teaming a chick with your brother is weirdo city. Real freaky shit. It’s like an incest movie or something. But that’s the beauty of the Kennedys. They do stuff that normal humans didn’t even know existed and make it look routine. Like making a sex tape before sex tapes existed of them double teaming Marilyn Monroe. Kennedy’s gonna Kennedy. So this naturally poses the question I just raised.

Vote 1 if you’d rather bang Marilyn Monroe and 10 for be a Kennedy for a week


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