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Wake Up With A Batter Pimping A Home Run So Bad That It Would Offend Your Grandmother

Rich Aude. Bat flipping LEGEND. Here he is in a minor league game for the Buffalo Bisons, he gets ahold of a pitch and knows it's gone before it even leaves his bat. So what does he do knowing damn right that he just ended the game? He stares that ball down like it owes him money. Apparently the pitcher had been chirping him a little bit, so Aude decided to take his precious time. Not only did he walk 3/4 of the way up the baseline, he also flipped the living shit out of his the bat. He got a good 6 or 7 rotations by the bat before it came crashing down. Now the other team also tried to come crashing down on Aude, but he didn't care. He even gives a guy the Jordan shrug as he hits third. Not bad for a guy who in the majors had a career WAR of -1 and 2 career homers. At least he made the most of this walkoff.