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Fat Naked Subway Dude Just Taking This City By Storm


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ICYMI: First blog from Saturday morning

This fat naked bastard has decided to have himself a goddamn weekend and who the hell are we to stop him?! Chilling in the park with his walkman and sneakers like a Don. Was your boy even drunk in that first photo? Maybe this is just his thing? He’s just decided to be this cities naked, sleeping ball of fat – lord knows we need one.


Gothamist – Melanie Lazenby spotted the man on a city park bench about three weeks ago. She told the Post that he “walked up, removed all of his clothes and put them in his bag and sat down and put his headphones on.” Unlike the person who took the photo of the man on the train, Lazenby was more amused than grossed out by the nudist: “I don’t mind seeing amusing things from time to time. He was completely harmless,” she said. “He was in his own world. People would walk by and take pictures, and he never made eye contact.”

Well how about that shit? The New York Post ran their article calling this dude a fat, drunk, naked boob. Turns out he’s just a fat naked nudist walking the streets of New York in his Asics. Do you have any journalistic integrity, New York Post? Why dont you get the facts straight. He’s not a naked drunk, he’s just a naked deviant, ok? He’s not passed out shitfaced and naked, he’s just roaming around this city rubbing his ballsack and butthole all over the place, enjoying some fresh air. Yes, chances are he’s about 1 second away from committing some sort of horrible crime. Yes, a man completely naked listening to his Walkman should not be trusted and we should preemptively throw him in jail. But dont call a man a drunk boob unless he is, in fact, a drunk boob. Its slander,

PS – This Melanie chick saying this guy is completely harmless is exactly how dumb people get hurt. You see a weird old man naked on the park bench you steer the fuck clear. You avoid that man at all costs. You treat him like a lion in the zoo. Dont bang on the glass, dont take pictures. Because it seems like hes harmless and just there for your amusement and next thing you know, at the very least, he could be throwing a handful of jizz on you. And when he does, you have nobody to blame but yourself. How much more of a red flag do you need??