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Couple Gets Their Wedding Photos Taken While A Tornado Casually Swirls About In The Background

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Daily Mail- A Canadian couple were posing for photographs on their wedding day Saturday when a tornado formed behind them, creating a set of once in a lifetime pictures to remember their big day with. Saskatchewan photographer Colleen Niska was shooting the newlyweds on a gravel road when the twister appeared in the dark skies.  Niska, thrilled by her amazing luck, snapped away and later shared the incredible pictures on the internet, where they’ve since gone viral. The pictures show the couple walking along a flooded road in the foreground, with the severe weather safely in the distance. Niska commented ‘I’ve dreamed about a day like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could NOT wait to post these! Pretty sure this will only happen once in my lifetime!’ on the Facebook post early Sunday morning.  Popular tornado chaser Reed Timmer shared the photos, leading other to follow. Not one but two tornadoes touched down in Saskatchewan Saturday, destroying a few buildings and dropping baseball-sized hail, however the weather didn’t spoil the couple’s celebrations.  

I guess this is the new cool trend in wedding photos.  Take pictures in front of big time disasters or deadly weather occurrences and brag to your friends about it.  KFC better have something awesome planned for his wedding photos.  Wasn’t it just a month ago we had people take their wedding photos in front of a forest fire?  You know what, chicks are so bat shit crazy that I bet this turns into a thing.  They’ll be checking weather reports and meteor activity and how dry a forest is while they plan out their weddings.  Just hoping that their special day gets crushed by a hurricane or an asteroid so they can one up their friends on Facebook.  It’s working so far.  Men and women alike around the internet are all straight up fingering themselves to these photos of a tornado swirling around in the background of wedding photos.  Saying it’s so romantic and all that bull shit.  People are the worst.  Somebody’s gonna take it too far and get everybody killed by a tsunami at their wedding trying to get the perfect picture.  Oh well.  I guess the lesson here is to never get married.  You won’t die in a tsunami and you’ll still get to hang out with your friends.  Win-win.


PS- How long into the marriage before that guy wishes he had gotten swept up into the tornado?  6 months?  Less?  In the words of Vince Vaughn, you get one vagina for the rest of your life.  Real smart, Frank.  Way to think it through.