
Have People Heard Of Jungle-O, Boston's Best Sports Rapper?


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As you’ll notice by some of the names and references in this song, it’s 2 years old. But, it’s never been featured on Barstool. It only has 6,000 views so I’m guessing it’s never been featured anywhere. We just got a reader email of this car whipping around town and discovered Jungle-O. And the thing is, “LET’S GO PATS” is the only song on Jungle-O’s channel. Like he just wrote a hit record and dropped the mic like Chris Rock. That’s not even a one hit wonder, that’s a guy who drilled a hole in one on his first tee shot then said, “Eh, fuck golf. Too easy,” then never grabbed a club again. Jungle-O straight MURDERED that shit. Changed the sports rap game forever. Was the #1 sports rapper in the #1 sports town for a hot second then just gave it all up. Incredible. Whoever knows Jungle needs to get him out of retirement ASAP. Need a hot new playoff jam.



Anyway, my highlights…


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Jim Nazium. Get it? Do you? Say it fast and it’s gymnasium. See? Gymnasium. That’s about as good as fake sports TV reporter names get.



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How did Jungle-O get Jada Fire in his music video?



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I can’t prove it, but Jerry is out there. No way he misses a bunch of old dudes rounding up the gang to toss the skin and make fun of the Jets. That’s a JT party if I’ve ever seen one.



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Jungle-O has FOR SURE done time. That’s a prison body/mustache if I’ve ever seen one. Do not fuck with Jungle-O.




Victory Dance!


h/t Dave