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Bill Clinton Has A Secret Mistress With The Secret Service Code Name "Energizer"


NY Post - Bill Clinton reportedly has a buxom blond mistress who visits so often when Hillary Clinton isn’t home in Chappaqua that the former president’s Secret Service detail have given her an unofficial code name: Energizer. This is according to Ronald Kessler in “The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents,” due Aug. 5 from Crown Forum. Kessler is no stranger to the controversies surrounding the Secret Service. He broke the story that Secret Service agents protecting President Obama in Cartagena, Colombia, hired prostitutes, and put the president in jeopardy. The book, portions of which I’ve obtained, says none of the normal protocols are followed when Energizer arrives in her SUV, sometimes just minutes after Hillary has left the Westchester house. Kessler quotes a supervisor informing a new agent: “You don’t stop her, you don’t approach her, you just let her go in.”  Energizer, who is described as charming and friendly, sometimes brought cookies to the agents, according to the book excerpts. One told Kessler: “It was a warm day, and she was wearing a low-cut tank top, and as she leaned over, her breasts were very exposed. They appeared to be very perky and very new and full…There was no doubt in my mind they were enhanced.” Kessler also reports that Hillary’s Secret Service detail informs Bill’s Secret Service detail when the former First Lady is coming home, so Bill has time to get Energizer off the property and clean up any evidence. But once, the warning came late. “The agents had to scramble to get Energizer out of there so there wasn’t some kind of big confrontation.” Kessler also reveals that Hillary is routinely rude to the agents who are sworn to take a bullet for her. “Because she is so nasty to agents and hostile to law enforcement officers and military officers in general, agents consider being assigned to her detail a form of punishment,” Kessler wrote. And they don’t get any cookies.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, gets in between Bill Clinton and his pussy. Not the Secret Service. Not Presidential Protocol. Not National Security measures. Nothing. Bill Clinton’s jump off has the highest clearance in all the land. Energizer rolls in with big tits and fresh cookies and thats all there is to it. You really think Slick Willie is gonna wanna waste all that time getting her cleared to visit the ex-President in an official capacity? Fuck no. Thats just less time his dick his in her mouth and his cigar is in her pussy.

And is there really any surprise that Bill’s main side piece is named Energizer? Bill certainly doesn’t strike me as a one and done sorta guy. You know he’s working in at least 2 or 3 rounds every time there’s a POTUS/Energizer rendezvous. The nickname says more about Bill than it does about her. It takes 2 to tango so if she’s the Energizer Bunny that means he’s right there giving her that 9 volt jolt.

PS – What wound Hillary’s code name be? Cobwebs? “Cobwebs is approaching the house, initiate exit protocol with Energizer!”