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BYU Students Saying Their Favorite Swear Words Is Extremely Wholesome Content

Videos like this make me feel like I'm from a different planet entirely. I've lived two places my entire life: Boston and New York. I've been swearing, in correct context, since the first grade. Nearly got suspended for calling someone a shithead but the principal was so impressed I knew how to use the word I got off with a warning. And by warning I mean a phone call was placed to my home and I was struck on a my bare ass with a metal spoon by the very people who taught me said swear words. Talk about a grave miscarriage of justice. Anywho, all I've ever known in this world is swearing. I was listening to unedited Eminem and DMX CDs when I was 10 years old. I was genetically engineered to swear. 

But these kids? I genuinely don't think they know any swears. Like the ones who said "s word" I think were just too polite to say "shoot" on camera. Then there was that one sailor who dropped a hard fuck bomb out of nowhere, which was jarring and unbecoming. But the rest of them, inventing new and exciting ways to replace our barbaric, incessant cursing? They left me extremely jealous. As I said I can curse with the best of them but anyone can do that. That takes no skill. And any British pikey could swear circles around me in a better accent. So really I've got nothing. These kids? You never know what's about to come out of their largest face holes. And that's using the English language to its full potential unlike the rest of us fucking nitwits. Oh goddammit nevermind.