
Someone Asked Derek Jeter During His HOF Presser How Frustrating It’s Been With the Marlins And Of Course He Came Up With The Perfect Response

First of all what are we doing here asking that kind of question during Jeter's Hall of Fame induction press conference? We're talking about positive things here people! Jeeeeez. Anyways, of course Derek Jeter came up with the perfect response here. That's all he does. 

No one hates losing more than that guy. He's not the owner of the Marlins just to be the owner. He wants to build this team up from the ground. It sucks right now no shit. What do you want him to say? He's thrilled? Obviously he's miserable watching his team suck. He came into a horrible situation. But no one handles the media better than Derek Jeter. No one. Guy puts on a world class performance every time. You can't trip him up. It's impossible.