
Woman Driver in Florida Drives Straight Through a CVS And Almost Kills Another Old Ass Woman

WVTM-TV: News, Weather, and Sports for Birmingham, AL

WTSP – An 84 year-old woman crashed her car through a CVS, narrowly missing a customer and causing $65,000 in damages. On April 2, Margaret Underwood drove her husband to the CVS on State Road 540. She stayed in the car while her husband when inside. When he exited the store Underwood began to back out of the parking space when she struck a Chevy Suburban. Underwood’s husband immediately went over to check on the Suburban while Underwood put the car in drive and returned to the parking spot. Then, for unknown reasons, Underwood accelerated forward and crashed through the front doors of the store, finally stopping about 25 feet inside the store. Inside of the store, 80-year-old Adrienne Watkins was at the front counter looking at items. Watkins bent over to reach for an item she had passed and as she leaned down to retrieve the item, the car crashed through the door destroying the counter and narrowly missing Watkins. Watkins was taken to Winter Haven Hospital where she was treated for cuts and bruises. The CVS associate Stormy Fulcomer rushed over after he heard a loud bang. He saw Watkins lying on the floor and heard the car engine revving with the wheels still spinning. After he secured Watkins in a safe location, he opened the door assisting Underwood out of the car and ensuring the vehicle was off. Damage to the store is estimated at $65,000 and Underwood was cited for Improper Backing and Careless Driving.

Happy Friday, everybody. It’s the best of all worlds in Florida. Old woman driver almost killing another old broad by Kool-Aid Man’ing right through a CVS.


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My favorite part is how the article goes “for unknown reasons, Underwood accelerated forward”. Like, no shit. They can’t even figure out how it happens. Not only did she just back up into someone, this old bag decided the only way to counter-act that was to speed forward and crash through the store for 25 more feet. That’s why we should euthanize all old people, right? Sending them down to Florida isn’t good enough anymore. They end up doing shit like this and ruining CVS for all of us. But in her defense, I guess speeding forward 25 feet into a store is how you take care of backing up into another car? You go forward as much as possible? Florida logic, I think I’m catching on.