
Jags fire John DeFillipo. Is he coming back to Philly?

Very Very Interesting. Look we all know what DeFilippo did with the Birds. He was a great quarterback coach and played a large role in the development of Wentz for his first two years in the league, including what probably would have been his MVP year.

He knows the system well, he knows Carson, and he knows what Doug likes to do. For those reasons, he would be a good guy to bring in. It would be an easy transition that would allow everyone in the system to be comfortable going forward. But let's not act like DeFilippo is this slam dunk hire that would solve all of the Eagles offensive problems. Let's not forget that he has been an offensive coordinator for three different teams and has been immediately fired after year one for each team. That doesn't exactly scream "coveted football mind". Now would I prefer him over promoting someone in house like Duce Staley? Definitely. He has more experience, and as much as I love Duce, this team is not in a position to take a gamble on a guy that has never done it before. 

If it comes to down to having the luxury of choosing to hire DeFilippo or the rumored Jim Caldwell. It's gotta be Caldwell. He has had proven success for an extended period of time, he knows how to work with quarterbacks, and he would be a great football mind to pair with Doug and Schwartz. Now in a perfect world, we bring in both of them and have DeFilippo return as the QB coach but I don't necessarily see that happening. But imagine a coaches meeting with Doug, Schwartz, Caldwell, and DeFilippo thats the sort of shit football guys dream about.

I mentioned the 2017 season so it would honestly be irresponsible to not throw this in at the bottom.