
Military Members Share 'The Most Disgusting Thing They've Ever Witnessed Another Service Member Do'

A common misconception about military folks is that they're these perfect, squared away, immaculate beings with incredible discipline & bearing 24/7. Though almost all of them can be those things when it's really needed, very few are like that all of the time. 

In reality, especially in the lower ranks of which I once roamed, the things done to conquer boredom at the barracks and during 'down time' (and there is a TON of 'down time' where you're just stuck at work with your unit waiting for the higher-ups to tell you what's next) are in sharp contrast to that sparkling image you see in the commercials and on posters & billboards... 

Case in point, this week our ZeroBlog30 podcast asked current & former military members the following:

As you could tell from the heaving of Feits in the video up top, the answers did not disappoint. 

One of my own examples was when we had down time at M9 (pistol) qual. Boredom led to one of our guys volunteering to drink a substantial amount of dip spit for some cash. He did & projectile vomited everywhere. Not wanting to be outdone, another guy then said, 'That's nothing'.... and he picked up a lizard, popped the whole thing in his mouth & ate it for free. What a flex? I guess? 


Anyways, here's a few of the ones that made me either laugh or puke in my mouth a little:



…And they only get grosser/funnier from there. We got hundreds of responses from current & former military members & you can listen to the rest of the best ones on today's episode starting at 13:52… 

For some quick news: We also have some great new ZBT hoodies & shirts up in the Barstool Store! For the design we used Dave's 'Barstool pirate dog' (which I've been told is literally the only thing he knows how to draw) and turned it into our own military-style patch.

And friendly reminder, ZeroBlog30 drops every Tuesday & Friday, and though it's military oriented, it's NOT just for military! The pod, the gear, the social media pages are aimed towards any & everyone whether they served or not. 

We usually pick 4 - 6 topics per episode and keep them as fun & light as possible, and without the political opinions that everyone is sick of. We also have guests from CIA spies to Medal of Honor Recipients to astronauts, pro athletes, politicians, musicians & beyond. If you're looking for a new listen, check us out!


Last thing, FYI -  ZBT has a YouTube channel with a lot of great videos from our best interviews, segments & trips. If you're looking for a good zone-out scroll sesh that's a good place to start!