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State Rep Wants Cops to Get Fired for Swearing

The HeraldA bill that would punish potty-mouthed cops with a pink slip goes before a State House committee today, and it’s already drawing a polite, but firm response from law enforcement… The legislation, dubbed “An Act to prohibit in­appropriate language use by sworn law officers,” is a proposal by state Rep. Benjamin Swan (D-Springfield) that makes the use of “name-calling” or profanity by cops in the line of duty “grounds for dismissal.” “These folks, they’re public servants. It’s unprofessional and beneath the dignity of any public servant to use that language toward the people they’re representing,” said state Rep. Paul Heroux (D-Attleboro), one of the bill’s co-sponsors. “I think this bill is reinforcing good police practice.”… Wayne Sampson, executive director of Massachusetts Chiefs of Police, said the “radical” legislation is broadly written, with no exceptions, even for undercover cops. legislation is broadly written, with no exceptions, even for undercover cops.

So the federal government is a disgrace. The state government is a laughingstock. People who need help can’t get it and people who don’t deserve it are getting everything handed to him. So what’s a politician to do? Draw up a bill to get cops fired for using sailor talk. Now all our problems are solved, welcome to Massachutopia. If anything could ever prove once and for all that these dopes haven’t the first fucking clue what real life is like, this is it. This is the kind of law that can only be dreamed up by someone who goes right from the State House to their nice house in a gated community in the suburbs with no stops in between except maybe to an upscale restaurant. Because if they’d ever walked down a real city street, rode the T or set foot in a dive bar, they’d be too busy kissing the ass of the cops who protect them to worry about their potty mouths. Look, there’s not a man, woman or child among us who doesn’t have a story about some cop crossing a line and abusing someone who didn’t deserve it during a traffic stop or whatever. But if you ask these guys to put their lives on the line to keep our sorry asses safe, you can’t go around threatening their jobs if their PG-13 all of a sudden turns into an R. They’re the thin blue line that separates the Rep. Benjamin Swan’s of the world from the lowest forms of vicious, verbally abusive lowlifes in the state. People who’d murder you where you stand and go home and sleep like babies. And good luck trying to infiltrate a Springfield street gang talking like Tim Tebow. Any pol who’s going to threaten to take away cops’ livelihoods for using bad language, has to be the worst kind of cunt. @JerryThornton1

I’m all for civility. When you have the luxury. But when it comes to actually fighting crime, I prefer the Vic Mackey method of policing: