
Every Basketball Fan Knows You Gotta Keep Your Head On A Swivel

This is just another reason I love low-major college basketball. That's right this is a college hoops game. You gotta be experienced enough as a fan at one of these games to keep your head on a swivel. Thoughts and prayers to this fine lady, but you can't be checking your phone because you never know when you'll catch a ball directly to the dome. 

I'm still trying to figure out what 34 on Purdue Ft. Wayne (formerly Indiana Purdue Ft. Wayne, a team that beat Indiana, twice) is doing here. It's like he knew she wasn't paying attention and in the words of Adam Schefter. Assault. That man felt like he hung in the air for minutes before he found his target and pegged her like Billy Madison playing dodgeball. I am howling at his body language after though. 

PS: this just reminds me of one of my favorite all time plays in college basketball. Long live Jorts and his 100mph fast ball