
The Redskins Are Meeting With Riverboat Ron About The HC Opening Tomorrow

The rumors have been bubbling and bubbling, and now it looks like the Skins are wasting no time at all going after their guy, and that guy is Riverboat Ron Rivera. As much as I don’t like what I call retreads, guys who just bounce team to team in the NFL, I like Riverboat Ron. Everything I’ve read about him is great, he seems to “get” it, and he’s defensive minded, which would pair nicely with KOC if they can keep him around as the offensive coordinator.

Riverboat won the NFC South 3 straight years in Carolina from 2013-2015, including going 15-1 making the Super Bowl, losing to Peyton Manning’s Broncos (after Cam Newton made the infamous “business decision”).

Rivera is a respected coach around the league and with players. I would gladly take him at the helm for the Skins.


There’s always a but.

Dan Snyder will have to stay the fuckkkkk out his way. Let him pick his assistants. Let him choose his players. We cannot have another Gruden situation on our hands where the coach is undermined be the owner every step of the way. Ron likely will not put up with that shit the way Gruden did.

History tells us Dan Snyder will put his tiny little hands wherever he can and end up ruining what could be a good thing, if Rivera accepts the job. I will not be shocked in the slightest if he comes out the meeting and it like “fuckkkkkkkkk that” and hops on a plane to Cleveland. Hope that doesn’t happen, but this is Dan Snyder we’re talking about, so we will wait and see.