
Congrats And Good Luck To My Friend RG3, Making His First Start In 3 Years

This is great. RG3 has been through it all in his short NFL career. From the highest of highs, to the lowest of lows. From rookie of the year to out of the league. To playing for the Browns to being inactive for an entire year on the Ravens, to mentoring Lamar, and now, after 3 years, he is getting another start. It’s awesome. I’m so happy for him and happy to see him back on the field. There were real doubts if he would make it back into the league. GMs were unsure about him. And they kept trotting out random guys off the street (you guys remember all those completely random UDFA that played over him??? Insane.) instead of RG3. But he persisted. He kept working out. Kept studying. And now he’ starting another game. It’s wonderful.

The weather sucks in Baltimore today but I hope he still is able to ball out. I hope he shows he still got it. And parlays this into a chance to start for a team next year. He’s still on the good side of 30 years old, he might have some starting years still in him yet. Let’s go Bob, show the world what you’ve got.