
Riot-Control Drones That Shoot Pepper Spray, Paintballs And Blinding Lasers Are A Thing Now And I Personally Can't Wait To See Them In Action

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Infowars- A drone that is capable of firing 400 rounds of pepper spray and paint balls, as well as employing “blinding lasers” and loudspeakers to deter protesters has been developed and sold to an undisclosed company following a demonstration at a trade show in London. Reports indicate that an undisclosed mining company in South Africa has purchased 25 of the “Skunk riot control copter” devices developed by military surveillance and communications contractor Desert Wolf. The company’s website describes the drone as being “equipped with 4 high-capacity paint ball barrels firing at up to 20 bullets per second each, with 80 Pepper bullets per second stopping any crowd in its tracks.” “The current hopper capacity of 4000 bullets and High Pressure Carbon Fiber Air system it allows for real stopping power.” the description continues. “Bright strobe lights, blinding Lasers and with on-board speakers enables communication and warnings to the crowd,” the company also notes. Defence Web notes that the eight-rotored drone also has high definition and thermal vision cameras, and comes with a ground control station to be operated by two people.

Yeahhhhhhh.  Fuck yeah.  I’m super intrigued by drones and I can’t even tell you why.  Oh wait, yes I can.  It’s because of shit like this.  Before this we had drones that could survey the wreckage after a natural disaster like a tornado or hurricane and drones that could deliver bottles of champagne to the 1% as they paid $25,000 a night for a hotel.  Kind of cool but also kind of a drone snoozefest if you ask me.  But this?  The mother fucking skunk drone?  This is what I’m talking about.  We haven’t used something to it’s full potential until we’ve hooked a bunch of paintball cannons and blinding lasers up to it.  That’s the American way.  I want to see this bad boy in action.  I mean blinding lasers?  Are you fucking kidding me?  I’m not sure I”ve ever heard of anything cooler.  Think about how cool those little laser pointers used to be.  They’d make your dog go crazy and your parents super angry.  Now think about a super powerful one attached to a drone mowing down crazy rioters in the street causing them to drop to their knees and go blind.  How excited did you get just there?  I’m at about a 15 on a scale from 1-10.

I’m ready to see these skunk drones in action.  I don’t care about the legal regulations or that people are scared these bad boys are “too aggressive”.  Be more of a wet blanket, you can’t.  Too aggressive is the skunk drone’s middle name.  Commercialize them and roll them out to the public.  Or it doesn’t even have to be to the public.  Give them to cops.  Better yet, send them down to Brazil for the in-progres World Cup.  There’s a riot every 6 seconds down there.  Send down the skunk drone and let them rain down hell fire in the form of paint balls, blinding lasers and pepper spray.  Oh and don’t forget to video it.