
Isaiah Thomas Entered The Stands To Confront A Fan Who Yelled "Fuck You Bitch!" At Him After He Made A Free Throw...The Fan Apologized And Said He Just Wanted A Free Frosty

Interesting stuff right here and I see both sides of it.

On one hand, fans gotta simmer down sometimes. We sometimes forget athletes are humans with emotions just like the rest of us. You can’t walk into an office building, pop your head into a cubicle, and yell “FUCK YOU BITCH!” at Susan from HR. Yes it’s slightly different when we’re talking about NBA players, but the fact remains we’re all humans going through shit, it doesn’t hurt to bring some tact with you to a game and treat people with dignity and respect.

On the other hand, Isaiah did miss the first free throw. When a player misses both, you get a free Frosty. Emotions were running extremely high before that 2nd free throw. Keep in mind this game was in Philly, and Philly fans are a poor, smelly, trashy bunch and willing to do pretty much anything for a free 99 cent Frosty, including die. So you can’t really blame the fan, it’s just rooted deep in his Philly DNA to be a scumbag. He was probably so confused when Isaiah said he was being disrespectful, completely bewildered that giving the double middle finger and screaming “Fuck you bitch!” is considered disrespectful. So I see if from the fan’s POV too.

I’m glad it was settled peacefully and cooler heads prevailed. Lesson learned on both sides, I would say. And for the love of god will someone get that fan a dollar bill so he can get a Frosty? My goodness.