
Kendrick Perkins Is A National Treasure

With Mike Gorman getting a load management day, we were blessed with the one and only Kendrick Perkins last night on the mic, and to say he crushed his debut would be a massive understatement. I've said it time and time again on this very blog that I need way more Perk in my life, in all facets. Put him on every TV show, put him on every podcast, have him calling games, I don't care what it is I just know every time I listen to this legend talk it never disappoints. Part of it is the accent, part of it is the personality, part of it is he reminds me of the 2008 team which was the great moment of my life, it's all great. 

But if you lived outside Boston and didn't feel like illegally streaming the local feed, you missed out on his performance and that's just not right. Here's a little taste of what went down


Even if I were to put aside my blatant homerism, you can't deny Perk crushed this appearance. Filling in for the GOATs that are Mike & Tommy is no small feat, and I'll tell you what my future better include more Perk games. I don't even need them to have him relive 2008 moments (although that doesn't hurt), just give this man a mic and let him be himself. I kind of like him and Scal together and I appreciate how Perk tells it like it is. He wasn't shy about addressing Kanters defense which we haven't heard on any broadcast so far really, and the more we hear Perk in these setting the more you realize he knows what the fuck he's talking about.

I already loved Perk for a variety of reasons so this was really the cherry on top. People forget the Celtics never had to double the post when Perk was in the game no matter who the other team had in their frontcourt, and you cannot convince me that if he doesn't blow his ACL in 2010 that team doesn't have at least 2 rings. All I ask is that the powers at be make this a regular thing because getting more Perk never seems to disappoint.
