Animated Map Shows Twitter Activity During Johnny Futbol's Goal For USA Yesterday
So that’s pretty cool. The entire country basically exploding with celebratory tweets after John “Johnny Futbol” Brooks rammed a knife into Ghana’s heart to give the greatest country in the world the victory. I enjoyed myself yesterday watching that game. At times it dragged and I found myself surfing the web instead of watching but that’s to be expected. I’m an American after all. And soccer players acting like they get hit by a bazooka every time they go up for a header gets old after a while. But for the most part it was great. Team USA scoring in the first two seconds helped grab the attention of Americans and then the ending was flat out awesome. As of right now, I’m in on soccer. U-S-A!
PS- We joke a lot around here about Iowa not having internet. It’s great and we have a few laughs. But seriously, does Montana have internet? Not a single peep out of them on the tweets during that goal is just bizarre. I’m not sure anybody lives there other than Phil Jackson and I’m sure he’s just taking LSD and naked sitting in the woods. Step up your tweet game, Montana. That’s all I’m saying.
h/t @drewaldikacti