
It's 2019 And Carmelo Anthony Actually Won A Real Life Player Of The Week Award

I know it's only a measly Player Of The Week award, but how about Melo! There's no denying after he got his legs under him Melo has been much better for the Blazers who desperately needed a pick me up given their disaster start. There's no shame in 22/8 on 57% shooting and a perfect 3-0 week against....CHI/OKC/CHI. 


I'm not sure who votes on this stuff but it feels like maybe they threw Melo a bone here. You look at some other guys this week in the West

Luka: 33/8/9 on 45/27% (3-1)

Harden: 42/6/8 on 51/37% (2-1)

AD: 28/11/3 on 47/28% (3-1)

LeBron: 27.5/5.3/11 on 55/38% (3-1)

Kawhi: 25.8/6/5 on 48/38% (3-1)

and there are certainly guys who you could make the case were more deserving given they didn't play absolute garbage. But hey, 22/7 on 57/45% is nothing to sneeze at and is a big "fuck you" to every GM who thought Melo was washed and shouldn't be in the NBA. It's pretty clear as he becomes more comfortable in POR's system that he can actually help and that there's definitely basketball still left in Melo's tank. 

Sure he still has some defensive issues and there is a long way to go until we now if this signing actually helped, but I'm pretty sure you can bank on Melo's contract getting guaranteed when that deadline comes up in early January. I don't think there are many people out there that thought Melo would ever win something like this, even if you thought he could help POR. I know I'm someone who thought there were areas of Melo's game that would help 

but there's no chance I thought he would ever be Player Of The Week in the loaded West of all places. I mean Melo hasn't won this award since 2014!!

So congratulations Melo, you've certainly shut everyone the hell up so far.