
Be Thankful You Didn't Get Bodied By A Nutcracker At The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Like This Person

Despite all the delicious food, football and day drinking that comes along with Thanksgiving it can be a stressful day for many folks out there. Yeah you love your family and it’s nice to spend time with them and blah blah blah but they also ask way too many questions about your life. Every aspect of your life gets put under a microscope as soon as you enter the Thanksgiving gathering. They ask questions about your career, your love life and your When The Hell Are You Gonna Bust A Nut Inside Someone/Let Someone Bust A Nut Inside You And Give Me Grand Kids life. It can all be too much sometimes.

But I’m here to tell you to look on the bright side because it could be worse. At least you didn’t get JACKED UP by a nutcracker at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for the whole world to see and that’s something to be thankful for. Eat your turkey, drink your booze and give thanks that a nutcracker didn’t spear you on 34th street. Unless you’re reading this and you happen to be the person who got jacked up by a nutcracker at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, sorry about that if that’s the case. You’ll live.