
One Word For Belichick's Press Conference: Masterful

Click for press conference because it’s another auto play video. Who runs the fucking Globe? Morons




“I’m going to address the situation involving Aaron Hernandez today. I thought that it was important enough to do that prior to the start of camp. It’s a sad day, really a sad day, on so many levels. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the victim. I send my sympathy really to everyone who has been impacted. A young man lost his life. His family has suffered a tragic loss, and there’s no way to understate that…

“Having someone in your organization that’s involved in a murder investigation is a terrible thing. After consultation with ownership, we acted swiftly and decisively. Robert and his family and I, since I got here in 2000, have always emphasized the need for our team and our players and our organization to represent the community the right way, both on and off the field. We’ve worked very hard together over the past 14 years to put together a winning team that is a pillar in the community, and I agree 100 percent with that, the comments that Robert has already made on the situation. I stand behind those as well.

“This case involves an individual who happened to be a New England Patriot. We certainly do not condone unacceptable behavior, and this does not in any way represent the way that the New England Patriots want to do things. As the coach of the team, I’m primarily responsible for the people that we bring into the football operations… Most of those decisions have worked out, but some don’t…

 “I’ve been advsised to address the subject once, and it’s time for the New England Patriots to move forward. Moving forward consists of what it’s always been here — to build a winning football team, be a strong pillar in the community and be a team that our fans will be proud of. That’s where we are.”

And there you have it.  In 7 minutes and 850 or so words, Bill Belichick puts on a Master Class on how to handle one of the most difficult situations a football coach could possibly face.  You meet the situation head on.  You open up and show you’re human.  Express proper respect for the victim.  Shock that a kid you had faith in could betray your trust.  Respect for your owner.  And pride in the hundreds of players you’ve brought in here and gave a chance to that bought into the program and made good decisions.  And you take responsibility and you vow to keep working to make the organization something to be proud of.  Then, most importantly, you move on.  Put the whole sordid mess in the rearview, leave it in the hands of the Bristol County DA and turn to the business of running drills, installing a playbook and evaluating a roster because there are 90 non-murderers in camp that deserve your attention.  Brilliant.

It makes you wonder how many lesser men in tough situations could’ve saved their sorry careers if only that had the same skill for managing crises as Belichick does.  Embattled coaches, politicians on the hot seat, crooked businessmen, celebrities in scandals… all could learn something from him.  But they don’t make many men like The Great Communicator here.  And I’ve never been more proud that he’s ours.  If you’ve ever been to the Lincoln Memorial you know it has the Gettysburg Address carved on one wall and his Second Inaugural on the other.  This presser today is going on one wall of the Belichick Monument, I promise you. @JerryThornton1