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Doctor's Removed A Giant 47 Pound Tumor From A Woman's Stomach And Here's A Picture Of It And Good Morning

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TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now)TODAY’S MOST…Amazing surgery: Doctors removed a 47-pound tumor from a woman’s stomach here in Tucson.  It took surgeons at the University of Arizona Medical Center 10 hours to complete the surgery. Marcey DiCaro actually suffered a heart attack during the procedure, but doctors were able to bring her through. The tumor was in DiCaro’s vena cava – which is the body’s largest vein and carries blood from the rest of the body back to the heart. Doctors say if they hadn’t removed the tumor, it would have become even bigger, started to target other organs, and ultimately been fatal.

FUCK.  That’s a giant tumor.  Too early for a picture of a bloody 47 pound tumor?  Nah.  But hopefully you weren’t taking a bite of your breakfast sandwich as you scrolled down and saw that picture or hopefully you didn’t throw up your coffee when you weren’t even drinking any.  That thing is fucking GROSS.  How can you have that thing inside you for more than two seconds without going to the hospital immediately to get it taken out?  That’s not like a sore neck or the common cold where it’ll eventually figure itself out.  A tumor that size has to fuck with your day to day.  But I guess this lady didn’t have insurance so they denied her a couple years ago when it first popped up but if it was me in that situation I’d grab a bottle of whisky, get real fuzzy on the deets and remove that Peter Dinklage-sized tumor myself and awake tumor less in an ocean of blood.  And I’m just gonna say what we’re all thinking, that’s a baby, right?  Has to be.  I’m guessing a couple years ago this Marcey lady got pregnant, forgot all about it (hey, it happens) and then just let it grow up inside her for a few years before it started crushing her other vital organs and finally had to get it removed.  I’m no doctor but I’m almost positive that’s what happened here.

PS- This surgery came just in time for Marcey.  We’re in the early stages of summer and she instantly lost 47 pounds.  Beach body for days.  Ya know, once the wounds heal up.