
The U Is Back: Miami Professor/Money Laundering Expert Is Arrested For.....Money Laundering

The man above is Bruce Bagley. He has written multiple books on illegal drug trafficking and was serving as a professor at The University of Miami. Many considered him the expert on money laundering. He parlayed that expertise into a big payday via Venezuela. The only problem? His expertise wasn't good enough to not get caught:

SOURCE-A Miami-area college professor who wrote a book about illegal drug trafficking turned his expertise to crime as part of a scheme to wash corrupt cash from Venezuela, prosecutors said.

Bruce Bagley, 73, who teaches international studies and wrote “Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime, and Violence in the Americas Today,” was charged with laundering about $2.5 million from Venezuelan corruption and bribery between November 2017 and October 2018.

In one of my favorite movies, Heat, there is a quote I often think about from the movies main character, Neil McCauley:

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." 

As a crime expert, you'd think that Bruce Bagley would know that. He didn't. That's why you let the criminals do the crime and then you teach a bunch of 19-year-olds about it. There's a lesson in that. 

P.s. I don't think there's a more perfect combination of crime + university than a Miami professor being caught laundering money. It almost sounds like a movie.