
SNL Deserves An Emmy For Its Skit On ‘The Gay Social Media Manager’

A lot of you aren’t going to understand this blog and that’s okay- this isn’t for you. This is for the people who watched that skit and spit out their drink at how accurate it was. I’ve always wanted to write something like this, I just never knew where to start and Bowen Yang hit the nail on the head. The whole thing was so spot on and so nuanced it deserves to be recognized…

Being obsessed with a  random guy with two hundred followers…

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The comments…

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The hypocrisy of complaining about how toxic the community is while at the same time contributing to its toxicity…

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The casual hyper-sexualizing of conversation between complete strangers, i.e the Shawn Mendes ‘open throat’ line. Those are things that are actually said.  You’re not going to see this sketch honored at the GLAAD Awards, but it should be. The best part of all was that Dylan’s sexuality wasn’t the joke. It was the culture that was being made fun of. Well done, Bowen Yang. ‘Emmy and SNL’ isn’t something I ever thought I’d write in the same sentence, but that sketch was fantastic.