
Just When You Think The Ravens Might Be Out Of Statements, They Blow Out The Texans 41-7


What an ass-kicking. The Texans were the team we were supposed to be worried about outside of New England and they came into our barn and got their taints handed to them, just like the Pats did. There have been years where we have these types of games but we have to temper our expectations given that we may have to go on the road against that team and face them in their building. The 2019 Ravens are doing everything in their power to ensure that anyone who wants to go to the Super Bowl this year has to go through Baltimore.

I’ll never get rid of saying this. Lamar is ridiculous. 4 passing TD’s and 86 yards on the ground to boot? I said this morning that this was going to be a game more dependent on his arm than most and he went ahead and took care of business. He started off sloppy at 2 for 7 but picked it up in the 2nd quarter to go 15 for 17 to finish his day before RGIII came in to ice the blowout. Just goes to show that it’s pick your poison with Lamar. He’ll kill you with his feet or with his arm. Today it was certainly his arm. He was absolutely brilliant and he seemed to be committed to throwing out of the pocket for the vast majority of the game.

Win moves the Ravens to 8-2 and in complete control of the AFC North. Better yet, they now hold a tiebreaker over the Texans that would potentially give them the first round bye and home Divisional Round playoff game. The Chiefs are now the bigger threat for that, and their struggles in recent weeks are well documented. It’s completely in the Ravens’ hands now to ensure that they host instead of going on the road. They may even be a shot at getting that #1 seed given the way the Pats look so far against the Eagles. Never say never. An AFC Championship game in Baltimore would be UNREAL.

I’m running out of games to call statement games at this point. It’s tough to argue that the Ravens aren’t one of the NFL’s best and are a very serious contender, if not front-runner, for the Super Bowl. That’s not just for this year, but it goes for so many years moving forward thanks to our 22 year old QB. The Lamar hype train is full steam and there’s no slowing down. Kid is special.


belee dat

action jackson

lamar elite