
Look How Fucking Scary The Ocean Is

I’ll be honest, I fell in love with the ocean a couple weeks ago when we were in Vero Beach, Florida for Jake Owen’s charity event. I finally saw what everyone else  been seeing all this time, it was calming and beautiful and all I wanted to do was stand there and watch the waves roll in for hours. There really is something incredibly peaceful about watching wave after wave after wave roll in. As a person from a landlocked state I have spent 99.9% of my life thinking the ocean was nothing but a death trap filled with terrifying creatures that will never see the light of day. Those couple days in Florida shifted my perspective on the ocean.

But that video right there? That brought me all the way back down to earth and reminded me why I was scared of the ocean for the first 29 years of my life. The ocean is a gargantuan monster, one of which cannot and will not be controlled. The ocean tricks us with its beautiful beaches and Instagram-worthy sunsets, it lulls us into a false sense of security, making us think its existence is one of peace. But you take one peek behind the curtain and you see it for what it really is, the opposite of peace. It’s complete and total chaos. That video above looks like the movie poster for The Perfect Storm. The ocean isn’t peaceful and friendly, it’s angry and mean and will kill you without thinking twice. Never forget that.