
Because We Need It: The Three Highest Rated Wakeups Since October

3) Keeley Hazell

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2)  Lucy Pinder

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1) Shawn Dillon

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I just needed this right now. We all do. Been sitting here staring at the screen. Gchatting with my friend Matt about how miserable of a season this was. About how bad we are going to get curb stomped in football next year. About how the Caps aren’t going to make the playoffs and how the Wizards lost at home to the Bobcats last night. The only glimmers of hope we have comes via the Orioles and Nationals. Putting all my rocks into the baseball basket. While I grew up a diehard Orioles fan, I like the Nats too. Most people here are like that. The O’s and Nats are not rivals. There’s no bad blood there. Two different leagues, and the Nats didn’t get here til 2005. Both teams are young and fun to watch. So yea. Baseball. Let’s goooooo!


PS: Hot girls and sports? What a blog. A+ stuff.

