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Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher


VermontA Burlington High School Spanish teacher, who was suspended by the school district after pleading not guilty last month to having sex with one of her students, has been fired by the city School Board. Giovanna Yaranga, 44…  pleaded not guilty May 6 to four felony counts of sexual exploitation of a minor. Three weeks later she denied a charge of violating her conditions of release by contacting the student after a judge ordered her to stay away from the 17-year-old boy. Police said the student estimated he and Yaranga had sex about 10 times at his home before school, in vehicles and at hotels… The School Board said it based its decision to fire Yaranga on the three court affidavits submitted in the cases by the Chittenden Unit for Special Investigations, which handles sex crimes. “The Board unanimously determined that you engaged in a sexual relationship with your student and that you violated the Court’s Order of no contact with that student,” the dismissal letter stated.

Nice message they’re putting out up there in Green Mountain country, huh?  Get accused of having sex with a kid, get ordered to stay away from him, call him three weeks later, and you lose your job.  No fair hearing.  No chance to tell your side of the story.  No due process.  No chance for a little goodbye sex.  They just boot you out the door like you’re Bobby Valentine.  This is still America isn’t it?  (This isn’t Russia, Danny.  Is this Russia?  This isn’t Russia.) The effects of such a policy are chilling.  One, it will lead to all sorts of abuse.  If some kid hates his teacher or even if he just wants to get out of doing his report on Copernicus or something, all he has to do is say he’s been boning her on the regular before school, in vehicles and at hotels and they lower the boom on her.  And second, this could kill the entire Sex Scandal Teacher industry.  How are you supposed to establish yourselves as a competitive SST state when you start firing people at the mere suggestion they’re doing the Beast With Two Backs with their students?  Threatening them with a loss of income… not to mention the loss of a steady supply of 17 year old kids… could discourage even the horniest 44 year old.  You better rethink this firing policy, VT.  Or you’ll never make it onto the GtNSST map.

The Grades:
This is tough grade.  For starters I have to judge her on the 44 year old Vermont teacher scale.  On that basis, she’s not half bad.  And I feel like if you have her a spa day and an unlimited clothing budget she could clean up OK.  But even giving her the benefit of the doubt, those pictures just scream “Family Dollar store shopper.”  Grade: C
Moral Compass/Bad Judgment:
What Giovanna lacks in natural talent, she more than makes up for in tenacity.  I mean, calling the kid with a court order not to is what the greats do.  It’s not Mary Kay Letourneau getting out of prison and getting pregnant by her kid.  But that’s like comparing a running back to Jim Brown.  MKL is a standard no one can live up to.  Good hustle, there, Giovanna. Grade: A
A fellow New Englander with a terrific porn name?  That’s a Grade: A-
[Thanks to @VTMC802] Have information about a hot female teacher having sex with her students? Preferably with pictures? Help make the world safe for Teacher Sex Scandals by Tweeting me @jerrythornton1.