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Reader Email – Hamilton Wenham Senior Gets Suspended From Team After Tweeting "Fuck Austin Prep" After Knocking Them Out of Tourney



Reader Email

I just graduated from Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School, but the tennis team was still playing in the state tournament. We had just beat austin prep in the quarter finals to advance to the semi-finals and I tweeted “fuck austin prep”. The next day the Athletic Director had called me thirty minutes before the semi finals and told me I was suspended for poor sportsmanship because of my tweet and he informed me the guy I beat on austin prep had found my twitter and called my school on me. We ended up losing the match and were out of the state tournament.

Am I surprised the AD suspended this kid? Of course not. It’s just par for the course nowadays. In fact I don’t even think I’d be blogging it if it weren’t for the fact it was the losing tennis player who called the school and tattled on this guy. What a fucking chump. Hey asshole you’re already walking a fine line when you play tennis in high school. You can’t be the squid who plays tennis AND tattles on people. Nobody wants to be that guy. Just a disgrace to the uniform. Wah, wah my opponent swore at me on twitter, wah, wah. You don’t like it. Beat em or shut up. I don’t even think the band would accept this kid.