
CONFIRMED: Matthew Tkachuk Is Saucier Than Ratatouille

Oh my lord. Matthew Tkachuk. You sick sick sick bastard. A second left in overtime, deflected puck, between the legs, bar Mexico, take a fucking bow. 

It's cruel. It's unusual. I feel like the entire state of Tennessee deserves an apology after this one. And that, my friends, is exactly what makes Matthew Tkachuk the silkiest rat in all of hockey right now. He runs his mouth constantly, he's always throwing his body around, but at the end of the day the thing he is the most is a preposterously filthy hockey player. 

Live look at Matthew Tkachuk putting in a shift at the Sauce Factory: 

Doesn't even think twice about going between the legs there. It's just so engrained into his DNA to be a sick son of a bitch that it's natural instinct at that point. Shoutout to Big Walt for that one. 
