
Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher, October 30, 2019


MassachusettsA high school teacher is accused of exchanging nude pictures with a student at Nashoba Regional High School in Bolton, Massachusetts, and has been placed on administrative leave.

Dorothy Veracka, a 42-year-old from Clinton, was arraigned Tuesday in Clinton District Court on charges of posing/exhibiting a child in the nude, distributing obscene matter to a minor and possessing child pornography.

Veracka, a mother of three, is accused of sending nude photos of herself to one of her students, then 15, and receiving inappropriate pictures from the student in return. The exchange was allegedly going on for six months, according to court documents.

The student, a resident of Lancaster, provided evidence of the photos to police, including text conversations he saved from SnapChat saying that Veracka deliberately asked for the nude photos of him be sent to her, according to the court documents.

Veracka allegedly admitted to police that she received pictures from the teen.

“My client has entered a plea of not guilty to the charges filed against her, and she looks forward to being thoroughly vindicated on the day when the American criminal justice system renders its final verdict,” read a statement from Veracka’s attorney. …

“Very caring person. She loves animals — that’s why she was like, I’ll feed your kitty. From all appearances, she all seems like a wonderful mother,” [a] neighbor said.

I have to admit, given the dark, grim tone of some of these Sex Scandal Teacher arrests lately, this one is sort of quaint by comparison. I mean, just the other day we had one from Australia where the boy who got involved with his 55-year-old teacher right in the classroom was traumatized to the point he couldn’t finish school, reportedly. And who wants that? No one. That’s not at all in keeping with the phenomenon of teachers banging their students.

So leave it to Massachusetts to rescue us from the abyss. In Landcaster, Bolton and Clinton, no less. Three lovely, bucolic, rural towns west of 495. Where I’ve got friends and family. Filled with beautiful old homes, tree lined streets, golf courses, ski mountains and orchards.  Where old people go leaf-peeping in the Fall and families with young kids go to corn mazes and Pick-Your-Own Pumpkin farms. And Dorothy Veracka’s story is as wholesome and small town America as the setting she sent those nudes from. Granted, she shouldn’t be asking for naked Snaps from her underage high school student. But in the grand scheme of things, a sexless text exchange between a math teacher and her pupil is the SST is practically like something out of a YA novel. The equivalent of holding hands compared to the stuff we’ve grown used to. So thanks, Dorothy. You’ve saved us from the darkness and made us believe again.

The Grades:
Looks: I clearly laid out that photo array in order: Gold, Silver and Bronze. In that first one she almost looks like a post-Kelly Bundy Christina Applegate, and then declines a bit. But on the whole, the definition of the kind of  42-year-old mom you can describe as “cute,” unironically. We’d really need the nudes to judge. But you’d have to get picked for the jury for the privilege.
Grade: B-

Moral Compass/Bad Judgment: It’s a little hard to grade her too highly here, given that there are actual Sex Scandal Teachers out there having actual Scandal Teacher Sex and she kept it to naked Snaps. And I like the very literal argument her lawyer put forth about a not guilty plea and this will all be decided by the justice system, when she’s already ‘fessed up about the pictures. But for all the adorableness of her story, it doesn’t count for much in the MC/BJ grade.
Grade: C-

Intangibles: Dorothy Veracka will feed your kitty and send your 15-year-old a picture of hers.
Grade: B

Overall: C+. Nice try. But all you aspiring SSTs need to close the deal. Flirting will only get you so far in this class.

Do you have someone you want to see graded? Tweet her to me @jerrythornton1 or email me at Your service to the betterment of mankind will be its own reward.